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Going to work?

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As everybody has to. I have been at home over a month with baby but have to work in the am dealing with people all day. I feel like my boss will be able to tell something is up with me.as we are good friends. Won't be telling him now or anytime soon.He text me the other day to ask if i was still alive!! Have not even went down there almost 2 months. I know it will be good for me to get out job is very hard work I hope my body can take it.Its more of a mental thing at moment how do all of you hold it together at work in the beginning? The only other ? I have is for anyone that might know. With all the the tingling down there I feel like my penis isn't hanging right? Like just got out of cold water I'm hoping it's just my nerves? Constant tingling should I get scrip filled again?

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Well - work will help to keep your mind off of things a bit, so that is good. You need to get back to your "normal" life. So this should be a great step for you.


As for the tingling... if it's bothering you enough, you can try another script to see if it helps it to settle it down... and to help you to get your mind off of it for awhile :)

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I told one of the assistant managers at my work, as she is also a friend and I trust her. If there's someone you're comfortable enough with, it could potentially give you peace of mind to let someone know in case you have an OB and don't feel well. I was really sick from my first one at work but couldn't leave, so I finally told my friend a few weeks later in case it ever gets that bad again.


I had tingling for a few weeks. Never led to an OB. I think I have sensitive skin/nerves though because even before H/when I was little, just my underwear rubbing against my skin could cause that feeling (less intensely). As Dancer said, a script may give you some peace of mind. Just take it easy :)

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