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Hsv 1 pos 5.00 after 2 weeks of expected expo anyone else build up that fast?

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I'm still thinking it could be h 2 somehow after hearing that 80 % of us already have h1 in us by my age 30. I have never had a cold sore I know that doesn't mean that I have not had it but never chicken pocks or any other sign.i thought I seen it is very rare to pass from genital to genital especially if I got it from my wife orally with no signs wouldn't she of been safe from h1G having cold sores as a kid ? She gave me oral that night nothing showed up on mouth,but two or three lil blisters a week or so later and have not changed at all. There was a very small red spot on my head that night didn't think it was anything and was told the same my first visit.wife will not go to doc and open blister I don't blame her now knowing you can auto yourself " make more spots" and most likely be in pain after. "Long Drive" I want to try and make Christmas great are girls first and we will be with lots of family.Have any of you ladies just left them alone and didn't break open? His long was healing time for you? I will go after holiday and run blood two months should be good?

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As I have explained before, having HSV1 orally *helps* to protect you from getting it genitally... it doesn't completely protect you ...




While it's less normal to pass H1 from genital to genital, it's not impossible,,, ESPECIALLY when you are having one of your first OB's... if you had the OB and you had sex with your wife then odds are you were shedding alot of the virus....


AND, you won't know until you get tested. AGAIN, you need to wait at least THREE months minimum before you go for the blood test - I would recommend 4 to have a better chance of a definitive result.


If you wife won't go to the Dr and get antivirals her only other option is to try the L-Lysine and other things we have suggested in the self-help links I've given you (epsom salts baths, going commando or in loose clothes, making sure to dry it well, Alum or Bactine on the area to dry it out, etc)... I'll put the links below again for you to pass on to her... if she chooses to do nothing her healing time will be what it will be - there is no "set" time for healing...but she can do things to help her body to heal... but you can't *make* her do it ;)










Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum




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