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If my wife is HSV2 positive and I recently contracted????

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My wife and I had unprotected sex about 12 days ago. 5 days after having the encounter I began having flu like symptoms. I am a known worrier and anxiety could have been affecting my "unwellness" feeling. However, I have had constant discomfort in my right leg. It feels muscular in nature but I'm no expert. I know that it bothers me more when I walk fast or jog. I have seen one small red bump on the glans penis but it was never fluid filled and may have been the result of briefly masturbating without lubricant. I started a new medication that may affect erection and I wanted to make sure I could become erect before a possible sexual encounter. Assuming that small red bump goes away before this Saturday would it be safe for us to have intimacy or would that likely cause her to have an outbreak?

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