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Another outbreak??

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I just got done with my first OB and my first round of antivirals and it seemed to have gone away. The blisters and things all healed and looked normal but a day later it started feeling weird to unrimate again. I am new to this and don't know if I should get a refill on my prescription and take another round of it or I'm just worrying myself over my new found wingman H. :/ what should I do?

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Well, it's not unusual to have several OB's early on ... and it seems that sometimes folks get a 2nd Ob when they go off the antivirals after the first round ... simply because the body hasn't figured out how to deal with the virus...


If you are uncomfortable enough to not be able to work/function with the Ob, take the meds... it's really up to you and your situation about whether to take them or not.


What else are you doing to deal with the virus .... are you attacking it from the outside as well?







Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum




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