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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook

For those new to Herpes

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Life goes exactly back to normal. I have had this for alittle over a month now, and I can honestly say most days I don't even remember that I have herpes. I am very upfront about it with people and everyone I talk to about it don't judge me or think negatively about it at all, which puts me at ease. Thankfully, I haven't suffered any recurrent outbreaks as of yet and that makes it easier. I try to maintain a healthier lifestyle and eating habits which affect my overall health, attitude and mindset about this. In the first few weeks it may seem like life as you knew it will change forever, but in due time you will see that it doesn't. Or, it can in fact change your life, but for the better. It has taught me to not be afraid of what people think of me, to be more confident and thankful for all the things and people I have in my life. It taught me not to sweat the little things because it could be so much worse than what it currently is. So don't lose hope and give up on life and your dreams and plans. Don't let herpes stop you because you are NOT herpes at all. It gets soooo much easier from this moment forward.

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Indeed! I am so blessed to have an optimistic mind and positive people in my corner. Thats why I think its important for those newly diagnosed to open up about their condition because it allows them to get help from friends and family and they will assure them they have their back and will love them exactly the same. With that kind of love and support, it will make the road to acceptance and recovery much better to deal with.

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Unfortunately so many people need validation from others and take other peoples judgments and opinions to heart ..... it takes a lot of self-love and work for many to get to a point where they truly get it that when someone is ugly towards you, it's a reflection of THAT PERSON and not yourself ....


And many people are surrounded by really toxic and negative people ... believing they are friends ... it's so important to surround yourself with positive and open minded people ... and that takes a lot of self awareness to realize who those people are for yourself ;)


Oftentimes when people come on here, the first thing they need to do is learn to be compassionate and non-judgmental towards THEMSELVES ... that is a whole lot of work right there ... because without that, they will be easily influenced by the opinions and judgments of others :(


That's what I love about our community - we hold a space for people to be ok exactly where they are, but we encourage them to see that Herpes can be a catalyst for self awareness and huge strides in personal growth.... that they can come out of this stronger and more grounded than they ever imagined ... with empathy for others and a whole different outlook on life .... IF they are willing to trust the process and learn from others who are further along in the journey ;)

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