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Still stuck in Florida! But judging how bad the weather has been so far this season it really may turn out to be for the best. I have yet to have any noticeable symptoms of my HSV1 infection even being a passive carrier it hasn't affected my body (yet) Had a second session with the Scalpel regarding the HPV, which I wish to remind all of you to be FIRM with your doctor sometimes. I wasted $90 in co-pay going to visit twice to have him look at a spot of concern and him dismiss it as "normal looking tissue" believe it or not with all their medical degrees and years of real-world practice I will say this... The only person who knows the most about your body is yourself! I've read before those with HSV1/HSV2 infections be turned away without even a swab and I know that exact feeling now. After 3 total visits he finally budged and acted like I had 'twisted his arm' about it. But I digress I just wish to say again... be straight and be firm with your doctor as we are given one body and one opportunity so don't let a bonehead waste it!


Still no such thing as a love-life or sex-life. I am really at a loss for words when I try to even think about having sex or being intimate with someone. Heck even having the "talk" makes me just laugh in manic despair at the idea of it all. I admit I am sort of a butt-in on this forum. True I was gifted HSV1 but my primary issue is with HPV and the overall effects. HPV is a lot like HSV both are viruses of a skin manipulating nature. I remember when I was younger sitting in a dark haze filled room talking about STD's and what would be 'worse' and in that moment I couldn't even imagine having an STD in that moment it was just some joke something unusual in life but I couldn't fathom it being an issue for me... because all throughout school they taught me Condoms protect you from STD's... but neglected to teach proper condom use-sex hygiene and statistics based on birth control and condoms. Just as that moment faded another came into focus and that moment was reality. Reality that we realize we can be as fragile as porcelain or as strong as steel we can make the small trivial aspects in life our strongest thought and our biggest fear. Even knowing all this it still just doesn't make sense, it just doesn't make sense why I can't put past that this isn't a big deal. I still am reminded just about every day as I either intentionally or unintentionally remind myself that I have an STD.



Taking every day at face value and hoping the next brings something interesting.




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Hang in there brother, it does get better/easier. And Florida isnt so bad, well summer can be a pain. If your in the Clearwater/ tampa area we could get a beer and oogle the serving whench.

As far as doctors go, why do you think they call it practicing medicine? Its their egos that can be the problem. Tell me again why woman persue these asshats ?

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Merry Christmas @Enhanced!!!!


Reality that we realize we can be as fragile as porcelain or as strong as steel we can make the small trivial aspects in life our strongest thought and our biggest fear.


You have a lesson to learn from this ... I can't tell you what YOUR lesson is, but when you *get it* , herpes will no longer be a big deal for you ;)





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dang, florida herpes crew in the house!!! are you here for a while? there are 2 support groups on meetup locally. ive gone to a couple of dinners and they were a good bunch. last one was fun as all hell, laughed my arse off.


with the doctors its funny, as varied as all biological life can be,they seem to get stuck in this " if its not textbook its not whatever" mindset.


and the beer offer stands. always good to make a new friend and or just vent a bit about this crap. tho I know north county a bit better. countryside and up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I appreciate the offer and I will keep it in mind. I really liked the quote Dancer - in a lot of ways I believe that entirely. Still it is hard sometimes with the impact of health or disease on the overall wellness with life. I've focused more attention towards myself (not a lot) but more so than I have done in years as in what I wanted and what I desired out of life.


I can't help myself and think "With one step forward... life pushes you two steps back." but I guess that depends on the day.

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