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Did he really need to break up with me? Do you think maybe it was something else?

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So I was talking with this guy and we really started to like each other all we did was kiss as far as sexual activities go. So when I really started to like him because we were still getting to know each other I of course told him what I have and he said he would look in to it and let me know what he wanted to do and yea sure that's fine. The next day he said he still liked me so he would still talk to me and then we became boyfriend and g4i4rlfriend. I went to a hotel party which just turned out to be 3 people me included in the three. I watched my friends which were the two people there at the "party" have sex and I did tell him but I mean where was I going to go the buses and train had stopped for the night. He wanted me to sit outside the hotel room or in the lobby but I was drunk and had smoked so why would I do that. Anyways he broke up with me because of it but I Mean I didn't even join in like I was asked to, so why the break up he wanted to be friends still though


Sounds like he just didn't like what happened ... and he's not willing to understand that you were put into a situation that was awkward and that there was no perfect way out ....


Don't take it personally - he's just showing his colors and I don't think it was to do with herpes .... so just be thankful that you have seen this side of him (unwillingness to trust your judgement) and that he is out of your life. And you don't need a friend like that ... so move on friend ... there are better guys out there...


And take the lesson about making sure you know who will be at any future "parties" and what the "party" is about ... you could easily have gotten into something that was FAR more compromising from the sound of it ..... including getting rufied and raped... :(




No I knew both of the people. They said it was a party and it turned out to be just two of my friends from college. They said everyone was canceling. But I did move on I just needed to hear that it wasn't that serious to break up with over

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