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HSV-PHN Persistent nerve pain as result of herpes

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This is exactly how I have been feeling down there with no sores.This type of neuralgia is the result of the virus irritating the nerves and neural pathways.Symptoms similar to prodrome include tingling,burning sensations,shooting pains,numbness,or aches in the area of infection.all the blogs i saw were very similar to myself.i have had all constant.I can't take this feeling for a months, years I'm about to go crazy thinking that is even possible.i am not able to be normal self in pain Im always in bad mood with my wife in pain just ripping us apart.she wanted to be seen today by Heath department or gyn but was not able to get in.i have always stayed away from pills really don't like to get them down.now I fear that I'm going to have to take painkiller just to get by.

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You don't need painkillers, you need anti-virals ... and you need to get seen by a urologist for the blockage which MAY be causing some of the symptoms. AAAAAAAAND AGAIN... this is normal for the first few months for many people. You just plain need PATIENCE and you need to get to the Dr ..... you may only need to be on the anti-virals for a few months while things settle down but constantly coming on here with the same complaint while doing nothing to have it looked at isn't going to change anything.

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