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( girl ) if im 4 % contagious (no herpes outbreak, no medication, no condoms) im 96 % NOT CONTAGIOUS

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im wondering if im a contagious person... but im more not contagious tan contagious and im feeling a lil better... i was thinking and probably i got this cuz the person who give me that maybe ( he was recently Hboy ) i dont know... i think our condition.. is a mistery.. a lot of theories.. a lot of stigma.. dont u think?

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Well for one you need to realize that saying you are "contagious" (even part of the time) sorta buys into the "dirty" feelings brought by the stigma.


For a start, there is a 4% RISK of passing this on ...and then only during sex... which is not the same thing you being 4% contagious.... You are not a "contagious person" ... you are a person with Herpes. Period. With that comes certain things we need to do to protect our partners so they don't get it. The stigma is there because we avoid discussions about sex and STDs and there's a lot of ignorance out there. But we can choose to not buy into the stigma and we can commit to creating a better world for those who come behind us with a new diagnosis. And the way to that is accepting that we have Herpes, becoming educated in how to avoid transmission and not using language towards ourselves like "contagious", "dirty", etc.


Herpes doesn't define you. You are a woman with Herpes. Period.

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The RISK of passing is on is 4% ... it can vary from day to day and person to person ... the number is just an AVERAGE of people in a study. Please don't get attached to that number. Just realize that the risk is very low and you need to just be cautious and do what you know to do to protect your partner .....



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of course.. i know that.. the risk exist.. because of that i have this virus... i think is better ( for me) think in we are more NOT contagious that contagious... the risk exist.. but i feel better and more normal if i see the situation.. by the other side... i think people form here PROTECT our partners... we are worried about others... and we dont want to do the same that the others did with us...


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