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HSV-1 Genital

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I recently was tested for herpes and I was positive for one but not for 2. The reason I was tested was because I had an outbreak over a year ago now. No OB since then thank god. But I was drunk (no excuse) and I made a terrible choice and slept with someone without disclosing. It happened so fast and I am in the most anxious state I have ever been. I feel like such an awful person. Ever since I got it I have been educating myself and my friends and family about the stigma and how unfounded it is, yet how much it can destroy your confidence and self-love. I feel like I have completely fallen back to day one. I thought I had type 2 until a few days ago and was disclosing and medicating myself with those stats because I know it can be more severe. Can anyone on here show me some genital hsv-1 stats? I want to make sure this never happens again and that I am educating my partners correctly.


I think if I had a dollar for every person who came on here who "got drunk and made a bad decision" I would be able to retire very soon! So while what happened isn't something we would "support" we also realize (and you need to get this) that you are a human being, being human and we ALL make dumb mistakes.... what MATTERS is what you do to correct things and clean up the mess that you made ;)


Also, DO remember that there were TWO people involved here and the other person has at least *some* responsibility in this. When you get drunk, you do stupid things. And if they were not drunk, they took advantage of the fact that YOU were not in a fit state to have "consensual" sex. ANYONE who has sex without *at least* having an honest, ADULT conversation about STD's is, in *my* opinion, equally responsible in these situations. So don't take *all* of the responsibility on your shoulders for this situation... AND.. realize that you need to talk to them and get them to get tested for everything (and so should you) because there ARE other STD's that they could have brought to the party.


The stats are in the handout that I will post below...(and you can print them out for future partners) but the more recent advice from the big guns like Dr Peter Leone are that HSV1 genitally rarely seems to transmit (outside of when someone has an OB) to others... it sheds a LOT less and it doesn't like it down there so that seems to help in that area and seeing as you are on the meds your friend is very likely to be just fine...if he already has it orally then he will also have antibodies which makes the possibility that the got anything even less likely ;)


That said, please don't try to "downplay" it too much. Just be honest with what we know ... because in the event that you might happen to be that ONE person who passes it to another, you just really want to be able to say gave the best info we had at the time.


BTW, I assume you were diagnosed via blood test? While odds are you do have HSV1 genitally, I would *suggest* you get the next OB swabbed... it's very very rare to have a false negative result but the most accurate test is the swab and once you have that you can say 100% you know what you are dealing with. :)




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