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reoccurring herpes outbreaks

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Hi all, I caught hsv2 3 months ago and think I've been in a cycle of OBs and the build up to one non stop. Plus healing takes ages. Has anyone suffered like that but gone on to get better? I really don't want it to be chronic. I read 4-6 OBs in first year is typical, not this! Thanks

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i have ghsv1 and have had the same outbreak since october. i'm still trying to figure out what works best for me. if i were you i would try doing other things besides just taking antivirals. i've been rubbing epsom salts on my sores to see if that will work. but i've also heard about using ammonium alum and taking lysine vitamins.


i hope you can get your symptoms under control. Good luck!

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are you on antivirals? Using L-Lysine? Working on figuring out your triggers (and STRESS is a HUGE trigger so that may mean a lifestyle change is in order)? Doing anything to support your body from the outside?


I'll post links to past discussions of what you can to do attack the virus from the inside AND the outside ... usually when you find something that you can do externally/topically that works for you it helps you to feel more "in control" of the situation... ;)








Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum




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Hi ladies, thank you for feedback. I'm not on anti vitals, I tried it briefly and thought I was allergic because my hands were swelling, however that has continued so it can't be that and I want to try again. Yes, bought lysine last week, so we shall see. Does it help a lot of people? I read good reviews on Amazon. Also, vitamin b, d and zinc with copper....

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