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Just had a herpes outbreak 2 weeks ago now another!

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I'm feeling so damn frustrated. I just had an outbreak 2-3 weeks ago on my inner thigh, now I am having another outbreak by my butthole. This makes me so depressed. I was itching like hell at work today with tingling. The itching was so bad It felt like ants crawling down my pants. Why take suppressive therapy when I am still experiencing outbreaks back to back? I am on number four since September. It makes me so angry that I have to deal with this. My life has changed so much in these last few months, I am not the same person I was before. I know everyone says it gets better but I just feel horrible mentally, physically and emotionally. Sorry just venting right now and need someone to talk to.

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Unfortunately we can't really tell you what to expect. Every single person has a different experience. *Generally* HV2 takes longer to settle down ...but I've seen people with HSV1 stuggle with it. And then there's the 80% who never have a symptom. And everything in between.


One thing I WILL tell you. I've personally found H to be my "personal barometer" ... when I am at peace and my life is in balance, by OB"s are generally fewer and far less intense and easier to knock back. So perhaps this is a good time to look at your situation and see if there is something that needs to be changed/adjusted. It can be diet, job, relationships, past issues (anger at life stuff that you have not processed and dealt with is a biggie) ... there's a lot of things that can trigger an OB.






http://www.sandiegohomeopathy.com/downloads/Lysine_Arginine_Foods.pdf Lysine Arginine ratio of foods


Generally the first year is the "worst" for most.... which can range anything from one OB and then never having an OB, to continual OB's that generally become shorter and less intense in nature over time. Some people also respond better than others to the anti-virals. You have to just try different things until you find what works for you.


Lastly, attack it from the outside as well as the inside... the links below will help you with other ways that you can get the OB's to dry up and go away faster :)


And BTW : I am not the same person I was before


Yes you ARE the same person. But you are allowing this experience to run you ... and over time, the people who handle it the best learn how to control it and use it to help them to know when they are needing to take care of themselves. It's easy to feel helpless ... but the links below will give you ways to attack the little bugger and send it packing to it's ganglion home ... and just doing that can help you to feel less of a "victim" of herpes and more able to deal with the OB's when they come :)










Links to some of the items suggested in the links

http://tinyurl.com/pmosahc Link to Alum




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