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On the bright side..

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Yes the healing process begins on day 1. I wouldn't exactly call a herpes diagnosis a "dreadful sentence," though. Maybe you were just being facetious, but if that is how you truly feel, then those negative thoughts will manifest into your reality, and herpes truly will be a literal dreadful sentence for you.

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@beachdude1984 i really just think the "stomach turning" and "shock" is the worst part of the whole thing. Atleast for me. And there is nothing conforting about that room. The thought of it makes me feel very lonely. i mean yes sitting in your thoughts all day and night is pretty terrible but atleast you don't have to hear "bad news" again. And yes i'm trying to be a little humorous about this and maybe its not the most appropriate way to approach this buttttttt this is all so new to me. I'm still figuring out how to handle it.

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@Lc5008 We all deal and react to the diagnosis differently. No one wants to have herpes! Eventually you adjust and be able to change your perspective but it takes time. We all have to process it in our own time and in our own way. You can change how you feel about it, that will be up to you when you are ready. There is no right or wrong way to get through the early stages, just get through them how ever you need to then move on, the rest of your life is waiting :)

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