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How can I tell if i'm having herpes prodrome symptoms?

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I was recently diagnosed with both 1 & 2. I have yet to receive an ob on by genital area and only recently found out that I have the virus from an ob on the upper part of my backside. Does anyone experience tingling in different areas of the body (i.e. back of thighs, arms, etc.)?


I've been super stressed as a result of all of this, mostly because I received a negative test result for both before being retested with the proper test. As a result, I immediately elected to get on a daily suppressant. Now I am paranoid that this is all over my body and every bump, pimple, ingrown hair, and mark has me freaking out.


Any advice or direction? I would really like to begin the process of getting back to "me" and working through this. I feel rather alone at the moment.

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Hello and Welcome!


Prodromes can cause tingling ... usually in the legs and boxer shorts region but some people report they have them elsewhere... but it doesn't mean you are shedding there ... it's just the nervious system reacting to the virus... sometimes exacerbated by an overimaginative and paranoid brain :)


Your reaction (worrying about every liitle bump) is very normal ... AND ... 99% of the time it's just your brain on overdrive. Try not to overthink things ... use reasonable hygine practices and you should be just fine.




So how were you diagnosed? Visually? Swab? Blood test???

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@WSCDancer2010 I was giving the wrong blood test first, which gave me neg for both 1 & 2. A swab comfirmed. It's been hell. I have both and my body is a mess. Just opted for suppressant therapy, but I've never felt like this before. How long until I get a normal feeling back?

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Patience grasshopper!!!! Everyone moves at their own speed. Allow yourself to deal with whatever emotions come up, AND know that you can choose acceptance and learn to live with it ;)


So you had a swab and it came back positive for BOTH HSV 1 &2? I have to say that would be very unusual to get both at the same time ... are you going to a GP or an OBGYN?

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@WCSDancer2010 no. It just came back for 2. I see a specialist and he orig. ordered the PCR blood test for me. Wrong choice. : / after the + swab culture, he re-tested my blood for antibodies like what should have been done first, and it can back with both. Had an ex who had 1 but didn't find it necessary to disclose until I saw the cold sore. He was ignorant about many things in his life beyond his status.

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So you do know that the odds are that you have HSV1 orally and that you have had it for longer than the time with the ex? 80% of people unwittingly carry it. If hte blood test came back positive for Herpes you had it for at least 3-4 months ... and given that 60% of young people have HSV1 orally by the time they are young adults, the odds are that you've had it and not known it .... in which case the reason you didn't get a gential OB from the ex was that you had the antibodies to it all that time :)



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