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Constant prodrome symptoms

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I am told it gets better with time? Then I see people suffering from same thing for years?The pains itch,tingle,swollen without any sores.my wife that no one could tell her it was H has had sensitive vagina,discharge,pain in her abdomen and lower back.She was seen just seen the other day to see if it was Gull bladder that came back normal as did all other test.Do these symptoms really go away? What I would do for us to just feel normal again.From the way I feel they have not changed one bit?

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Here's the thing.


80% of people NEVER have a symptom


The other 20% have varying experiences with OB's ... from one OB and never having another to maybe dealing with it for a few years. Those last people are a VERY SMALL PERCENTAGE of people who get Herpes ... and there's many reasons that they may have that experience ....compromised imune systems, previous skin conditions, other alergies and whatever that put their body under stress, ANXIETY-prone people who continually stress over every little thing so their body never gets a rest (ahem!), genetics, etc ....


AAAAAGAIN ... you have dealt with this for a few months ... and while I'm sorry you are dealing with this, the more you stress out and keep obsessing the harder it is for your body to do what it needs to to get better. As I've said to you before, perhaps this is life trying to send you a lesson in PATIENCE. In the grand scheme of your life 16-20 weeks is nothing. I know its frustrating to not have a definite answer for what is going on with your wife... but try to realize that sometimes we have to deal with "what is" at the moment as best as we can and 99% of the time, as they way "this too shall pass" ... perhaps not as fast as YOU want it to, but it will...

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