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So I am back and in another country and its been over a month now and I still have these bumps/blisters around my rectum. They haven't gone away and seem to have flared up when I went to these hot baths. I took Valtrex or something like it and I took a hsv-2 test which came back negative. I have been cleaning with alcohol and almost showering twice a day and nothing. Now my skin is dry all over from the weather and showers and now it seems that my penis has some scabbing around the ridge of the head and in places on the shaft (though I can't be sure if it's just extremely dry skin or Now a new area is infected). Stuck in the dark not sure if I should moisturize any of the affected areas or not. Really just tired of being in the dark, not being able to do anything securely or medically it's very frustrating.

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Hey there, so just in briefly scanning you last post, and seeing your results, it doesn't sound like HSV2, but you were never tested for HSV1, right? that could still be a possibly, as many people get HSV1 genitally. However, until you confirm with more tests, I think it might be wise to ease up on the alcohol. That actually might cause more irritation and would also make your skin very dry and chapped, as you say is occurring. Give it a few days rest with the alcohol and see if that helps any. Over cleaning/medicating can have adverse effects... so all in moderation. Not sure which country you are in now, but perhaps consider getting a second opinion? It could be something entirely different than herpes... maybe an allergic reaction or some other skin condition. Skin conditions tend to resemble one another sometimes, so it's hard to diagnose without further medical examination/testing. Wonder if it would be worth trying some antihistamine to see if that helps any... if it's an allergic reaction to something, it could help.

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I agree with @PositivelyBeautiful ... lay off the alcohol ... if you want something to soothe and dry the area try Witch Hazel if you can get it (like Tucks pads... ) and not a bad idea to try the antihistamines ... can't hurt!


Wonder if you are dealing with hemorrhoids??? With all the traveling, that is a distinct possibility :p


And maybe now you are in a new country, you can find a clinic that can re-test you ... and remember that a recent infection won't show up on a blood test for about 4 months :(


Sorry we can't be more helpful but sounds like you need to get to a country with more up to date info on Herpes and things that look like herpes so you can get a diagnosis :/

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Hey guys to be honest, not drinking that much haven't been drunk in a couple of weeks. The reason I am so chapped and dry seems to be because of the cold. I am in Japan and it's freezing before that I was in the Philippines which was hot. Also these Japanese baths are really hot and my skin just dried up everywhere even my stomach was flaking a little lol.Not sure about clinics here plus I am on the move too much these days to be able to wait around. I have 3 weeks before I end my trip. I'll keep an eye out for anti-histamines would claritin or anti allergy pills work?


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