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herpes transmission

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Hey everyone…

Just a question about transmission. How likely is it to pass HSV2 genital from a female to a male with the female taking anti virals daily, only ever having had 1 initial outbreak a year ago and not using condoms? I know what the statistics are I was more looking for personal experiences.


Also, I can tell from some of the posts on here that discussing hsv with someone you are into can seem terrifying. I just wanted to say from the perspective of someone who doesn't have hsv 1 or 2, once becoming educated, it's not something that has had any impact on me entering a relationship with an amazing girl…thanks for all the useful information ;)


As with everything Herpes, every single person has a different experience.....certainly the guys have it better because we females have lots of folds of thin skin and our vajajays are warm and moist so we tend to be more likely to get it.


Just because a person only had one initial outbreak doesn't mean they are not shedding just like anyone else. In fact, in a way it's easier to get complacent and feel you are "safer" .... if she has any other prodromes then she needs to pay attention to her body... ANY little "papercut", pimple, etc should be considered suspect simply because she's not experiencing anything that is obviously an OB.


I have a couple OB"s a year ... nothing big and I can control them easily. I personally have had 2 BF's for 3 yrs each - one we used antivirals, the other we didn't (no condoms for either) and neither got H from me. If I had ANY twinge, cut (even if it was self inflicted from a razor), etc, we found other ways to play. But that can be an "opportunity" ... you have an excuse to find other ways to get your freak on - or to just be intimate in a non-sexual way. And that can bring you closer ;) .





Also, I can tell from some of the posts on here that discussing hsv with someone you are into can seem terrifying. I just wanted to say from the perspective of someone who doesn't have hsv 1 or 2, once becoming educated, it's not something that has had any impact on me entering a relationship with an amazing girl…thanks for all the useful information ;)


Thank you for this ... this is soooo important for people to get ... so it's great to hear this from a H- person who is dating a H+ person. :)

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