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I CANNOT friggin believe it!!

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@ sadpanda maybe you went off the antivirals too quickly????? ive tried weaning off twice, first time was bad as I mistook prodomes as the whole "OB" and then went darn near cold turkey, it wasn't pretty. next time I got anxiety attacks so im back on them. nice to be taking a pill I may not need and have no reason to take every damned day ( nothing like a 2x a day reminder you have no one to try to protect nor anyone even on the horizon). funny thing, my body reacted better to herpes without me knowing I had it than once I knew. so yea the mind can and does play a big part in this F-ed up virus.

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@ shocked80 yea, I had H almost a year before I got the test and I cant recall but 2 small bumps during that time. since then, backaches, multiple bumps, side pain, fatigue, etc. of course im probably remembering some of those things as something else because I didn't have H to pin them on, or im pinning other things on H. sigh. time for another beer.

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@seeker, I'm the same way. I went months without all these additional symptoms, before I even knew I had it. Just had the paper cut things about once a mth, which were always misdiagnosed.

Now that I'm back on valtrex, I'm wondering, do the antivirals ever CREATE prodrome symptoms? Like itching, burning? Anyone know? I'm at the point where I don't know if I should take more meds or less. I've spent a fortune on supplements, salves, drs appts, and extracts. And still no relief. And I'm sure my bf would like to have a sex life again someday too. (He's hsv2 + as well, but only had one ob and zero symptoms since, no meds either). I'm hoping to aspire to that someday. Somehow.

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Some people seem to not do well with the anti-virals ... so IMO if you *think* the meds are causing the issue, try to wean of sloooowly ... and see what happens ...give them time to clear out of the system...


and yes... MUCH of the contribution to the symptoms is your state of mind ...Herpes has a way to at least *trying* to teach you the lesson of acceptance ... accepting "what is" and getting on with life. :)

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I can accept having herpes. Not sure how I can accept feeling constantly irritated though. Do people just pretend it's not there? Have sex anyway? Wait another month and *maybe* by then it will be better? I've gotten on with life. Except for having a normal sex life of course because of this. My bf is patient even though I know he probably doesn't understand what's going on. There's little info available about all the many non-ob hsv symptoms and what to do about them. But I'm having them, other people on this forum are having them too. My dr is useless, and there just aren't a lot of resources out there. I spent the day going to libraries and bookstores a couple of wks ago. Not a single one had ANY books on herpes. For such a common virus, people sure do sweep it under the rug. I wouldn't even care so much if it was just occasionally getting a sore here and there that heals. But constantly feeling itchy and burny every single day, drastically altering my life to try to do whatever I can to eliminate it, and all for nothing so far. So at this point I don't know why I'm abstaining from everything great in life when it's having zero effect.

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You are doing that because you want to feel normal again. It's your way I surviving and it's admirable you are doing all these things to help yourself. You are courageous and persistent despite physical pain and discomfort. You are brave!!!!


With me, it just took time....a long time but time. And you will start having more days where u feel normal. Hang in there!!


Lots to do and still be intimate with your partner. Keep staying connected to him and encourage opportunities to be intimate in other ways until you feel comfortable.



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@whitedaisies, thank you and thanks for giving me something to look fwd to. I did have a cpl of normal feelings days this week. Can't wait till they come back for good.

@shocked80, I'm sorry you're not feeling better yet. :(. I think I'm going to stay on the valtrex because I'm handling the side effects much better now and whenever I tried to stop it I started feeling sick and outbreaky again. I even got a blister but it went down without rupturing when I went back on the meds. It may not help with the other symptoms, but I really think it's keeping the outbreaks away. Also, I just visited my stepmom for a wk who had the worst cold I've ever seen. Both my kids got it, but somehow I didn't even though we were all in close quarters. So maybe it keeps other viruses away too, who knows.

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@sadpanda I'm sorry you're not feeling 100% either. I can say I believe valtrex is working for me as well since I haven't had an ob. I just wish I could get rid of these other symptoms. I've been using the coconut oil I think it does help. I have a Dr appointment next month I'm hoping things calm down or they can give me something for the irritation

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Westover Heights has a great downloadable booklet that probably has all the info you will ever want ... I've bought a few of the books over the years and they won't tell you much more than what you see between that and this place :)


If you are still concerned of course you can do a phone consult with them and see if they have any other suggestions for you ... every case is different so you never know if they might hit on something that we are unaware of here :)

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