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Positive mantra?

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Well I pretty much have what I think are prodomes at least once a week.


After sex I got it in abdominal area w bump near belly button I gess 2 weeks ago now. Then yesterday numbness on lower back and bumps appeared tailbone. Now today bone ache right hip to right vaginq. These bumps always swab negative and even if h try are so small and no fluid I don't if they were they would show positive.


It seems like I am having activation once a week and even on famvir suppressive.


Looks like this is never going to be less frequent bc it's been 15 months for me. I have to accept these constant prodomes are my life BUT I have to figure out how not to get into a depression each time it comes. Because I recover after one and ten sink back in. It's a lot of up and down.


Anyone have any suggestions for positive mantras or sthng I can do to avoid this sinking feeling every time.


I really have to abandon the hope now it's gonna get better. It's really not for me. So how do I live like this? I don't even hope for a vaccine or new drugs...doubt they will work for me.


I have swabbed anything external all negative. I have no more left. I am orderig more to start swabbing inside. That's what I am doig medically. Really what can I do emotionally. I really don't know how to live like this.

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Hey chica!


Reality check: Given where you STARTED at, your symptoms are a LOT better, so I would still say that over time, things WILL continue to improve for you. Maybe not as fast as you want, but I have faith that you will experience fewer of these symptoms as time goes on ..


As for the Mantras, well, I don't have any myself - I say find your passion - get involved in something you love. Maybe help others who are struggling with something other than Herpes (may help to put your life into perspective ;) ) When you are fragile you can't help others here as much because until you can get to a place of allowing other's experiences to be THEIR OWN and not allow it to affect how YOU feel about your circumstance, it won't always be the best place for you to be. But if you volunteer, say, at a Childrens Hospital or Nursing Home, or Dog shelter, or whatever, you will be able to help others (because you know what it's like to struggle with illness) but not get triggered by situations that are so close to your own :)

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