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The Herpes Opportunity Weekend

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Have you ever noticed in life from the day that we are born we are exposed to different ideas different opinions and different judgments? We go through our lives everyday not even realizing how these opinions have formed in our minds. Some of these opinions and judgments we never question because they just become part of our fiber and who we are. But once we become individuals we should look at these opinions or ideas or judgments and see if there's really anything that backs them up. Sometimes when things happen in our life everything can be clouded with emotion. We cannot see clearly when things happen in our lives and we don't set the emotions aside and look at the facts. So what am I getting at? This is exactly what my life was like before I found the weekend seminar and Adrial Dale. I found out that I had herpes. all I could see were the negative judgments, ideas, and opinions that I had just mindlessly followed all of my life. Sometimes when you're living it you can't see past it. And remember Adrial is in the same boat that we are. I attended two of his weekend seminars. The first time I was a participant. He gave me the tools and knowledge to see past the emotion and look at the facts and look at what this was really all about. Just the facts. Again these facts and tools came from someone who lives this every day of his life as well. It absolutely changed my life forever. It made me realize that all of those ideas and opinions that were forced on me had no true meaning behind them. I then realized that I was a independent person that was able to form and research my own opinions and ideas. The second time that I went to the weekend seminar I was a staff member. Even though I was part of the staff we went through some significant changes of our own as well. We had the opportunity to hear of all the new participants stories and how their lives have changed with herpes. We were able firsthand to share our experiences as well. It Really was a safe healthy loving environment for everyone to talk about confidentially what they had been going through. Hey remember not everyone at the weekend seminar has herpes. So it gives you the opportunity to hear neutral opinions. And learn the truth about herpes. So really here's the bottom line. Here is my question to you. before all of this happened in your life did you blame yourself for issues in your life? When you were judged or when other people judged you did you feel like your life was over? Probably not. so why should things be different now? You are still the amazing wonderful human being that you always were. Why would you let a small medical fact change who you are? You are the same person you have not changed. You still deserve all that life has to offer. Don't you owe it to yourself to take the opportunity to live your best life possible? You have nothing to lose but guilt,shame and misinformation. Don't let herpes define who you are you are so much more than that.


Thanks for taking time out for me.

Warm regards, As a friend said to me What's in the way....Is the way....


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