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Ways to spread herpes?

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I was recently diagnosed with Genital Herpes like two weeks ago. It's dormant, so apparently I've had it for a while and had no clue because I have never had a noticeable outbreak. Basically, this may sound like a dumb or silly question but I have concerns about ways it can spread. I know, through research, that it can spread even if you use a condom during sex. And I know it can be spread through oral sex.


I have a two-year-old daughter, and I was wondering if I kiss her on the lips, if it spreads to her. Or say, before I knew I had it and like I scratched around my pubic region through my underwear or not, (gross, I know) and didn't immediately wash my hands and say I touched her hand and she then ate something or rubbed her eye or something, does she then get the virus??


I just don't remember every little thing that happened from the time I may have gotten it to the time I discovered I had it. I'm just really worried. Now, I take the precautions with her, but before I didn't even know I had it...


I'm sorry if this is all TMI or like you think I'm disgusting, but I really just need to know...

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Hey MissD!


Welcome! And FYI, there's nothing on this forum that is TMI. :)


Doesn't it suck how the stigma can have us believing strange things like this? The short answers to all of your questions above are no. You'd have to really try to spread herpes in the ways you're asking about. Pretty much the only way to spread it like that is if the liquid within an actual herpes sore gets touched and spread around. And when you're having an outbreak, just wash your hands whenever you touch the sores.


Here's a blog article I wrote How can you get herpes?

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Hi MissD...don't worry honey...Adrial is right. It's so easy to freak out about it..but all you have to do is wash your hands like our mother's told us to do. And TMI on here?...no way lol. We talk about everything and our lady and man bits are what it's all about anyway - we all understand :-)!

Hug and kiss your daughter as much as you like :-) xxx

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