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My story -- plus questions

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Haha thats funny! I have another question! I've been having this really weird sharp pain in my left thigh that feels like im getting stabbed or a bruise. Its nothing like a sore muscle pain. I tried looking at my leg to see if i had a bruise but there's nothing except i can see my vein where it hurts and its dark purple. Its tender to touch and hurts to walk when i put pressure down on my leg. I was wondering if this was a nerve problem and had to do with me having another OB. I also have been extremely itchy in my vagina and butt! The itchyness is so irritating i mainly feel the most itching when im laying down trying to go to sleep. I also noticed another bump it doesnt hurt nearly as bad as my first OB and i went to the doctor and am now on suppresive therapy with 400mg of acyclovir that i have to take twice daily. I'm not sure if this medicine is going to work because when i was perscribed it the first time i was supposed to take it 3 times daily for 10 days after the 4th day my symptons were gone but then 3 days later i started noticing the really itchy feelings and have been feeling it since i finished those meds so I'm assuming i was having a second OB in the middle of taking those pills. And I'm still in the middle of my second OB but just started the suppresive therapy 2 days ago.

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I get pain in my buttock or back of legs, but not like I used to. Some people get that and some don't. That usually means it's in your peripheral sensory neurons in your anogenital region and your immune system is attacking those infected sensory neurons and breaking the sheathing. It took almost a yr to get rid of the dull ache in my buttock and back of legs. After a few months on probiotics it lessened more and more, to now I don't have it the last two months.


I have breakthrough obs and symptoms on daily suppressive therapy. The meda just help w the pain, duration and viral load. Some people it stops all symptoms and then for some reason doesn't, just meant to reduce the severity. It's a new infection for you. So stay in the meds and take daily probiotics and be patient.

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