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can a person with HSV 1 acquire HSV 2?


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Can my girlfriend who has already been diagnosed with HSV 1 acquire HSV 2 from me in her her genital area?

I never had sex with anyone else but her for the past two and a half year. All of a sudden I had the first outbreak of the genital herpes. She took a test for herpes and diagnosed with HSV 1. So, in all likelyhood I acquired my genital herpes from her through having oral sex.

Am I correct to assume since she already has the virus she won't be infected in her genital area through having sex with me having genital herpes.

Since we plan on getting married regardless of the virus my question is if we can have sex (oral, intercourse, anal) without contraceptives without causing her to acquire genital herpes (HSV 1 and HSV 2!)

Many thanks for any solid and confident answer (preferably by a specialist doctor in this forum.)


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Can my girlfriend who has already been diagnosed with HSV 1 acquire HSV 2 from me in her her genital area?

I never had sex with anyone else but her for the past two and a half year. All of a sudden I had the first outbreak of the genital herpes. She took a test for herpes and diagnosed with HSV 1. So, in all likelyhood I acquired my genital herpes from her through having oral sex.

Am I correct to assume since she already has the virus she won't be infected in her genital area through having sex with me having genital herpes.

Since we plan on getting married regardless of the virus my question is if we can have sex (oral, intercourse, anal) without contraceptives without causing her to acquire genital herpes (HSV 1 and HSV 2!)

Many thanks for any solid and confident answer (preferably by a specialist doctor in this forum.)


Short answer ... yes: I have both myself.


HSV1 and HSV2 are two different viruses... and HSV1 is still HSV1 when you get it genitally .... so if she only has HSV1, you didn't get HSV2 from her through oral sex... if you got it from her, it's HSV1 ... in the genitals ...


So you have HSV2 genitally? Are you sure? As in, you have a blood test or swab that was typed?


The *current* thinking is that HSV2 will usually protect from getting HSV1 ... but HSV1 doesn't seem to reciprocate with much, if any, protection against HSV2 ... so you might want to take the normal precautions regarding transmission... if you DO have HSV2, you would want to look into Suppressive Therapy and perhaps use condoms until you at least are both more settled in the marriage and ready to have kids ... AND ... there are many discordant couples who never use anything and who never pass the virus to their partners...


We don't have a specialist Dr on here but I've had it 35 years and I follow the latest info and understanding because I am an Advocate for people with H... if anything I know more than 99% of the Dr's out there :p


But if you want something "Medical" for proof, the CDC is a good site for that info:





How do people get genital herpes?


Infections are transmitted through contact with lesions, mucosal surfaces, genital secretions, or oral secretions. HSV-1 and HSV-2 can also be shed from skin that looks normal. In persons with asymptomatic HSV-2 infections, genital HSV shedding occurs on 10% of days, and on most of those days the person has no signs or symptoms. [4] Generally, a person can only get HSV-2 infection during sexual contact with someone who has a genital HSV-2 infection. Transmission most commonly occurs from an infected partner who does not have a visible sore and may not know that he or she is infected. [5]

How common is genital herpes?

CDC estimates that, annually, 776,000 people in the United States get new herpes infections.23. Genital herpes infection is common in the United States. Nationwide, 15.5 % of persons aged 14 to 49 years have HSV-2 infection. 22 The overall prevalence of genital herpes is likely higher than 15.5%, because an increasing number of genital herpes infections are caused by HSV-1. 2 HSV-1 is typically acquired in childhood; as the prevalence of HSV-1 infection has declined in recent decades, people may have become more susceptible to genital herpes from HSV-1.

How can herpes be prevented?

Correct and consistent use of latex condoms can reduce the risk of genital herpes. 19-20 However, outbreaks can occur in areas that are not covered by a condom.

The surest way to avoid transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, including genital herpes, is to abstain from sexual contact, or to be in a long-term mutually monogamous relationship with a partner who has been tested and is known to be uninfected.

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Thank you for taking your time, your solid answer, and the info links!

To answer your question I have to say yes, I took both blood and swab tests at the time of outbreak. However, I can't tell from the report as to whether it was "type specific" or not.

The doctor was not helpful at all with my questions and insisted that it makes no difference to understand the specifics(ambiguities!) of the report and instead I should take the prescribed pills to keep the virus suppressed. If you, or anyone can help me understand my test results, I greatly appreciate it.


This is page 2 of the report, but it doesn't say whether this is from the blood test or the lesion(swab) test! What is "SER OL", "SER ON"?


Component | Latest Ref Rng| 2/12/2015 12:46 PM





HSV2 1GM | |

HSV 2 IGM TITER | | 1:20 Reference range: <1:20


COMMENT 01 | |

HSV 1 IGM TITER | |1:40 Reference range: <1:20


This is page 3/last of the report. Is the "IFA procedure" telling me this was not the ELISA test procedure?

Component | Latest Ref Rng| 2/12/2015 12:46 PM

HSV 1 IGG, SER OL | |0.22 Reference range: <0.90

HSV 2 IGG, SER ON | |>5.00 Reference range: <0.90 (NOTE) Index Values

for HSV-1 and HSV-2 IgG Antibodies: <0.90

HSV IGM | |POSITIVE Reference range: Negative (A)


HSV2 1GM | |

HSV 2 IGM TITER | | POSITIVE Reference range: Negative (NOTE) The

IFA procedure for measuring IgM antibodies to

HSV 1 and HSV2


COMMENT 01 | |



Many thanks,


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Many thanks! However, because my outbreaks are very mild and my girlfriend has HSV1 type, it is possible that mine is HSV 1 but in the genital area as a result of oral sex. My doctor was surprised that I had no pain when he was taking swab samples. The labs which report the results may or may not performs "type specific" tests, and unfortunately that's the case with my test results (I think.) If you look at the page 2 of the report you'll see that HSV 2 and HSV 1 IGM TITTER range is within or slightly above range as opposed to page 3 HSV 2 IGG SER ON which shows >5.00! . The test report on page 2 and 3 are confusing at best! I have to research what "type specific" test means. Perhaps, it means it can tell exactly which of virus someone has regardless of its outbreaks orally or genitally as either type can be in either place. Is that what type specific means?


It makes a big difference if I know my genital herpes is of type 1, because then we may continue to have oral sex since she already has it?!


Thanks again!

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Blood tests can't tell you WHERE you have it...


IgM tests are useless and any Dr/lab worth their salt won't perform them


IgG is the one to go on.


You got type specific ... hence "HSV 2 IGG SER ON >5.00 "


And you can certainly have oral sex anyway: HSV2 doesn't like the mouth area much and once you have HSV2 it's believed that it will help protect you from getting hsv1.


Oral Sex discussion Dr Leone

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Many thanks for your answers and the video to back it up. At least it cleared that the percentage is quite low to pass on HSV 2 vi oral sex, given all the necessary precautions are taken.

I just finished watching the video and learned quite a lot. Although, I wish heard something about Ozone therapy, which is supposed to eradicate the virus(1&2) from the body according to many doctors who are capable of performing this Intravenous injection.

Can anyone shed some light on Ozone therapy for herpes before I contact one of these Drs?


Again, many thanks!

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Not sure what you're asking?


Herpes cannot be eradicated to this date, as it stands w what's available medically. The main reason it is so difficult to treat, is because of its ability to go into dormacy in the ganglia nerves, which reside in the nervous system, where our immune system doesn't go. So basically our immune systems and available treatments can only make it run back up into dormacy at timestimes., then our immune system can be distracted by new infections or weakened by a number of things and then this little bastard likes to come back out to play, until our immune system gets back on it. It's like a guard at a door, stopping people from leaving and wvey now and again, he gets too much going on or falls asleep and H comes out behind the door. Eventually the guard will wake and chase the virus down and/or the antivirals will and run it back up into the sacral ganglia and/or trimenglia ganglia.


So that's why nothing works . what is available can attack it when it's out of latency, but the moment it senses that it's being attacked, it runs its coward behind back into the nervous system, making it untouchable. Hope these analogies helped.


BTW, do you think myself who has had H over a yr, or Dancer who has had it over 20 I believe or fitgirl who has had it 15 or any if us for that matter, would be in here talking about heroes if there was a cure? Lol... Sorry buddy, I wish it were true, but it's not... I know it can be hard to accept. Keep your chin up.

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Thank you for elaborating on your answer and clearing things up for me. Nice analogy!

I'm way beyond the denial of this fact in my life, and I have nothing to be ashamed because my new partner in life, who has HSV-1 herself, has no problem with my GH and she is all that matters to me. All we're trying to do is how to continue with our full and passionate sexual lives before we discovered our conditions.


In the meanwhile, while trying to keep up with the latest news and discoveries on the disease, I've come across this Ozone therapy which has been mostly used in European countries, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand to battle tough diseases like cancer has shown positive results (read: cure, eradicate, gone!) in patients with herpes or other infectious diseases as well. It's a powerful toxin which is infused with your own blood (right amount, which is the key to successful eradication and tailored to each individual's condition) and injected back to you to reach the virus inside the nerve system cells. Ozone and Oxygen therapies fight diseases at the cellular level. In the US this practice has only recently begone to gain attention. It is expensive, the insurance companies won't cover it, takes 20 minutes for one session/week, and up to anywhere from 3-12 weeks depending on the individuals. I've heard in Europe the price has dropped down to about 200 Euro/session and the claims range from cured to no OBs over long periods of time.


I've read in some of the USA posts that those who can afford it, buy their own Ozone infusion gear to keep the cost of doctor visits down! There aren't many doctors in each of the states who know or are experts in Ozone therapy


Look up "Autohemotherapy", "Intravenous Ozone Therapy", or "Oxygen therapy".

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My guess is that the treatment might knock it back ... but until you show me studies with before and after results (ie, blood tests before and after), I'm going to assume that it may well send H into latency (which many believe means "cure") but that it will still be hibernating somewhere...


That said, I'm dating a Naturopath (well, trying to ... he's gone sorta weird on me so we will see) but he mentioned this ... I told him if he wanted to do this as a research I can get him all the people he could want to test on ... but we didn't get any further with the conversation.


After 35 yrs with this and seeing MANY touted "cures", I'm a full blown skeptic until I see the results ... ;)

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