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What the fuck...

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Believe it or not I didn't get angry. Yes, I did question why me. But I had no one to get mad at. No fun being mad at myself. Like I told my guy at the time, who denied possibly giving me herpes, we were two consenting adults having unprotected sex. Things happen. Not life threatening. For instance my son came home from camp with ring worm on his face. Somehow I got it on my scalp then I could've potentially passed it on to my guy during cuddling, etc. All bout timing and luck. Herpes is same way.


What I have realized after being diagnosed, every one thinks they are clean if no symptoms are present. Some guys feel since they wash up after they are washing possible std away. At 47, I had my share of sexual encounters and never had a partner tell me they had an issue. My BFF says something. If you think about it, having sex w an H+ person w condom and on meds has less risk than with someone unprotected who doesn't know for sure.


Guess what I'm trying to say is circumstances out of our control had more to do with it than we give credit for. Release the anger so healing can begin.

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@WCSDancer2010 you may think I'm passing judgment, but I'm using it as an example to show that shit just happens to us, promiscuous or not and to show there is a bright side to getting H. I'm sure H has stopped plenty if people in thwir tracks as we've seen on here, from seeking validation through sex and that will always make them feel even worse about themselves. I'm sorry that you took it as me judging, but it wasn't. It was me showing the other side to things, that life isn't fair and you don't have to sleep around to get this, as I've seen many, including the OP, state they deserve getting this, because they were promiscuous. I'm simply taking something from my life, sharing my personal life w other's to show that promiscuity isn't the reason they got this, although more partners up the risk and so they don't feel like they are being punished for sleeping around. Maybe you coming back and seeing my post and not reading the entire thread again today, left some context in my message out and just came off like a random post of judgieness, but it's not. I can only help w my experiences and the tools I have to work w that and use it to the best of my ability. You've been doing this longer, I'm not as great about being PC as you and sometimes am so forward, that peioke misconstrue my context. I simply was trying to convey to the OP in regards to her being punished or getting what she deserves for being promiscuous, that sometimes it happens no matter how many you sleep w and that H can be a good thing, to stop someone from that destruction behavior.

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