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We both have HSV-2, do we need to wait to be all healed up?

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@esdbec0713 My primary ob caused the horrible bladder issue (along with every other symptom imaginable). It took about 2 weeks to begin to ease up. The only way I could go for nearly a week was to squat in the bathtub with legs apart so that everything sortof squished on my bladder and helped it empty. Miserable. Had to contort myself into that pose balanced on the toilet at work. That wasn't fun! Thank goodness subsequent obs haven't involved anything except a single lesion.

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I know for a fact it's related and it's funny how doctors dismiss this, along w the neuropathy part of HSV, becausebecause when I research it in any of the ncbi sites, they always list it's more common than is said to be and believe it goes unreported. Yes, probably because the doctor blows them off and says its unrelated, just like they did w me and they don't report it in their database. I'm very jased by the Medical community. Check out this atypical case below.



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When I had my 1st OB (2 years ago) it was hard to urinate. They said it was unrelated too but if im pretty sure it affected my urethra. I don't have a prob with it now. My first month was the worst. It got better through the year. I'm on year 2 now. Total full blown OBs in this second year 3 or 4 and they were very manageable/tolerable. My meds helped a lot when I had an OB. It still hurt but didn't compare to the first initial OB at all



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Yes, outside if my primary z I've had no issue w urine retention. During my primary, I'd feel like I had to go and it would be very little.. I coukd tell I didn't empty completely, yet I didn't have the sensations of a full bladder neither. That's what's crazy about this virus. It can just fuck up your nervous system altogether. I have only come across a couple of females who also developed herpetic proctitis, where it very much impacted their bowels as well. I'm tired if the medical community dismissing symptoms and not taking us seriously.

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