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GHSV2 and uncontrollable leg twitches

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During my primary outbreak, my left leg would slow twitch or spasm from butt all way down to ankle as I laid on the couch at night. Eleven months later and only experienced one other time, tonight I'm sitting here and it is doing it again. I believe this is herpes related. So my question is, does this mean I am shedding? I am on daily med. not always consistent on the time of day I take it. Has this happened to anyone else?

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You know what's funny? I have never ever in my entite life, not even in severe conditions of rucking in desert mountainous terrain for over 26 mikes w 50lbs on my back, did I ever experience any type of muscle twitching, outside of a charlie horses. since getting H, My lower right side back only in the right side (which is the side of my body I break out the most on), has had muscle spasms that have made me catch my breath. I questioned if H had to do w it, because I have the feeling a spasm or potential one coukd come on any moment when I'm most active. Like this past week, I was on my period and had some irritation, but no OB, but I was having these sensations on my loser right back. Since my period finished, nothing... I do think H is at play.


I don't know if it means we are contagious. I definitely take it as a ding that are bidybis responding and is why we get those prodromes. Typically the rule of thumb is to assume we are w any prodrome, but I don't necessarily believe every strange nerve sensation we get as a result of H, means we are contagious at that moment. I think for some of usqe experience symptoms that are the same as prodrome, but not necessarily because we're active like it means for some, but rather our bodies were anlot mor sensitive to it all than others. Problem is no distinguishing between the two IMO.

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