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Freaking out - did I self innoculate???


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I've had hsv2 for about 2 years. I didn't have a single outbreak during pregnancy. I always only got one lesion on my inner labia. After having my son, I kept getting sores on my butt. And tonight My armpits now have the same type of sores. I have been holding my son all day. I'm really worried!!

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Thanks. I hate that this disease makes me paranoid like this. I also thought it was odd that suddenly they started appearing on my butt and I'm not sure it's even H on my butt bc I haven't had it swabbed but it keeps coming back and it seems like it is.

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For the first yr 10 mo the w H, I never got it on my butt or groin. Now that's the only place I get it. Red bumps on my butt and redness in my groin crease. I don't get anything on my vagina and haven't in a long time. It is strange how it will switch. I found one last month on the back of my thigh, under my buttcheeks. Now yesterday, found one high up on my buttcheek. Almost to my loser back and hip. Unpredictable.

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  • 4 weeks later...

By any chance do you shave your genitals with the razor that you shave your legs and armpits with? I got one small lesion on my arm pit because I used the same razor all over. Now I have a seperate razor for my gentials. Also, I soak my razor in alcohol to clean it to prevent shaving and having it spread to other areas.

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