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Does anybody suffer from the same symptoms like me?


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Hi All,


I would be grateful if you would tell me if anyone here suffers from the same symptoms like me. Its driving me crazy :(



I'm male, 45 and I have genital herpes about 15 years with 2-4 outbreaks per year. About a year ago I was in big stress and I also stopped taking my anti-depressives (silly). After three months I was back on my anti-depressives but from this time I suffer from the following problem:


I feel tingling in my penis and also behind the testicles and around anus (so embarrassing to describe this) and sometimes also in my right shoulder. In that time I think my penis is less sensible. The symptom actually feels very much like a prodrome, but there is no outbreak after that - It goes away after few days or weeks and then it recurs again.


Doctors did MRI and didn't find any problem with by backbone.



Is there somebody with the same symptom please?





My first year w H I had that crawling sensation on genitals, anus buttock, back of thighs. Now I only get it on my inner thigh near my groin (tingles that is), a couple locations on my buttock and nothing ever on my anus or genitals for quite sometime now.. Like 6 months probably. Are you on daily suppressive therapy? What antidepressant were you on and did you start back up on a new one? Certain antidepressants, such as welbutrin have been used to treat nerve issues, neuropathy and paresthesia, so it may have been assisting w eliminating those sensations. I would just be patient and relax.


Both my boyfriend and I have had the weird feelings in the arms. My left side seems to have a problem; my left sciatic nerve is in pain and the left labia majoria had this weird tingling sensation for weeks. Also during 5 he first weeks of my ob I had shooting pains down the left leg.


thanks for the answers.


Im back on Zoloft and it should help to cure the neuralgia, but it doesnt. Im not on the suppresive therapy - I tried Herpesin (acyclovirus) but it didnt seem to be helping, actually one of the possible side effect are exactly these syndroms (feeling like a prodrome).


I hate it.


Well meda take 3-6 mo ths to build back up. If it's bothering you so much, why not request to start daily antiviral therapy? I don't know what that stuff is, but it doesn't sound like the 3 antivirals out there. You need to get on real antivirals.


in czech republic they used Herpesin. I think its some generic. Now im in Vietnam. Which antivirals would you recommend please?


what bothering me is why do i have these symptoms without outbreak? do i have a lot of virus in my body now? if yes, why there is no outbreak?


Because that's just how herpes is. Most people don't have any symptoms and it's not uncommon for people to have symptoms and no OB. Obs are just a heavier load of shedding. Vs prodrome, which is what you're having. I'd see if you coukd try valtrex and see if that works for you.


Although I do not have a penis, I have experienced the same thing you have without being on meds and ended up with no OB. I took that as a signal to boost up on b12 and zinc


BTW, hsv infects the sacral dermatome and the nerves in the boxer short area (Hope that info helps) It helped me understand a lil more. Google sacral dermatome and you will see their extension and the area they can affect

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