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Sex after the herp

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For some people yes, sex period, protected or not can cause an OB for some. You won't know until you try. It may even do that at first and the longer you have it, it won't. It took me a yr to stop having an internal sore during the 3rd day of my period. I have no idea if the tampons wer causing it or if it was just the blood.

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If you both have the same kind (HSV2 genital, or HSV1 genital)... once you have had it for about 4 months, then it's business as usual. You can't give each other "more" herpes once your antibodies have built up. So it's more an issue of whether it irritates you and causes OB's ... for some sex will cause OB's for awhile till the body really gets it under control....


If one of you just got it from the other, I'd be cautious until you pass the 4 month mark as you *could* spread it to another area in that time because the antibodies can't deal with it yet.


And if one of you has an OB and you are just too sore to have sex, there's plenty of other fun ways to get yer sexy on :)



http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/5807/list-the-ways-to-protect-my-partner-from-getting-herpes-hsv2 Safe alternatives to sex



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I think what everyone is trying to say, and what's probably best, is to just listen to your body. If you feel like and OB comes right after sex, then you will know to refrain or at least proceed with caution. But rest assured, I promise you your sex life is not over :)

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I am so nervous about the whole thing Ive only had it since November he didn't even know he had it till I had my first out break I just don't wanna have to go thru the whole pissing fire stage cause I'll be damned ! That thing was awful . I just don't want it to be awkward when we have sex cause I don't know what we can and cannot do

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I know everyone feara thwir next OB, but it's not going to be like that w your recurrents. I had the same fear, wondering if it was always going to be like this. My recurrents after my primary, the first and second one that is, was just one red bump and were a lil tender to touch. Now, they don't phase me at all, buy I had no more burning when I peed. Just relax, journal your symptoms daily for the next 6-8 mo ths, location and triggers. This will make you learn to get more comfortable w your body post H. You guys can go about things as normal.

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I am so nervous about the whole thing Ive only had it since November he didn't even know he had it till I had my first out break I just don't wanna have to go thru the whole pissing fire stage cause I'll be damned ! That thing was awful . I just don't want it to be awkward when we have sex cause I don't know what we can and cannot do


Again, read the links I gave you. For now, get intimate in other ways, especially if you thing *anything* is going on. As you get to know your body better, you can explore sex again... just go SLOW, use LOTS of lube, and at least initially, no really rough sex. Let your body adjust to having sex again... but also look into other ways to play so you can have that connection and release without being concerned about triggering your Herpes again.

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