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Not a writer BY FAR but this is something I came up with when I was thinking about my new diagnosis. Just trying to work my way through this.


Rather born with it or from a lover

You still must face rejection before u slide under the covers

It knows no social class, age or race

Whatever u thought it looked like just erase

A face so sweet you will never picture a threat

An ass so fat you just gotta hit dat

A pole so nice u r forced to ride

Don't mean to be crass but it's the facts of life

It can be from your king or queen; a stranger in the mist of things

Life sometimes can be so mean

All it takes is one time for things to change

It's not the end of the world

It doesn't mean u can't still have ur boy or girl

U simply have to adjust the way u do u

When it's new you may not feel the same

That guilt and dirty feeling have to run it's course through ur heart n brain

How long is too long I'm not too sure

But u can't close the door on what else life have in store

More than ever ones have to b worthy to get in ur bed

If never before realized you are more than what's between your legs

Others may disagree; may say u should be happy anyone wants a tainted being

I say shove it- there is more that comes with me than this thing

I was taking it personally but I shouldn't

There are always many reasons for a person to get shook

There is not one thing wrong with me that My One can not overlook

With that loving soul I'll b an open book

I won't say if u choose to use this to walk it won't sting, but I understand ur hesitancy

I only ask u use ur words with care as u never know if u will need to speak this in a hopefully understanding ear

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