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hi i have had hsv2 for almost 2yrs. I had monthly out breaks for 1 yr before i was diagnosed. i thought i was just getting a rash on my bum from sitting on the grass while spending time with my dogs. i did see a doctor at one stage saying i think i might have singles. she said no its not singles and said next time you have an ob take some antis and gave me a script. so i saw another doctor a few mths later and found out the real reason i was getting my rash and sores. she put me on aciclovir tables twice daily for 6mths (400mg per day) then once that finished i was told to take nothing and see how i go. after 1week off meds i got an ob. i went and saw the doctor who gave me another script for the same meds and said take them 4 times a day when you feel an ob coming on. i dont get any warnings though. I told her i was concerned about giving h to anyone else and that i read on this website about valaciclovir. she then gave me a script for that (500mg once a day) and said that i wont need to take acicovir anymore if im using these new meds. well i was doing good on valaciclovir but i had 1 ob so i continue to take valaciclovir and my old meds to stop any ob cos i know they have worked. so im taking aciclovir to prevent obs and valaciclovir to try to stop transmitting it to anyway. Is what im taking ok? im right by saying acicovir only helps with obs not with stopping the virus from being passed on? what im doing seems to be working fine.


Or just take which ever one you felt was working for you... Don't take something just cause you saw others taking it, if what you were taking works for you. Both have the same minimizing in transmission rates. Difference being is valtrex has a longer shelf life and onky needs to be taken once a day, vs the other one. Some rwact better to one, vs the other.


oh ok i thought one suppresses the virus only and the other suppresses and stops it being transmitted. so they are the same except for the long shelf life and dosage.

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