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Flu like symptoms

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For me, being a female, the flu like symptoms has only been with my first outbreak. Body aches such as neck ache, bad headache. I believe these came came few days into the outbreak. Also had bad pain in my butt going to feet in the back of my my legs. My crotch felt like electric shocks from inside out so freaking painful. No OTC pain medicine worked. Peeing was extremely painful. No running nose, fever or sore throat. I have had the flu long time ago and these pains were much more painful. With the flu symptoms came all at once. I felt with the outbreak symptoms came in stages. Started with, next day came this pain, following day this. I didn't start taking the valtrex till 4th day within 24 hours I felt significantly better. I also had hard time releasing urine so many days into the outbreak. My outbreak was about 4 bumps on my clit only. When I compared my symptoms to what I read online, online seem to be a good guide/time line. But everyone is different.


Sometimes our minds get the best of us try to relax and only think positive hopeful thoughts.

Best wishes

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