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Positive IgG HSV-1

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I had what I thought was a first clinical outbreak of HSV in the genital area 1 week ago. Unfortunately the doctor would not do a PCR. But he did do serology and the HSV-1 IgG was positive, IgMs and all HSV- 2 negative. I am 53 and have never had an outbreak, oral or genital. My partner gets oral outbreaks, presumably HSV-1 but has never been tested. What is the likelihood that this was caused by HSV given the labs seem to suggest that infection was not recent? The only thing I can figure is to go somewhere else next time, if there is as next time, to get a more definitive diagnosis. Not that it matters, I guess, since I'm not planning any new relationships. But it is bugging me and I would like to know.


Well if you already had oral hsv1, a blood test can't tell you where the infection is, w out being swabbed. W that said, a blood test is too soon right now to test. It takes 3-4 months to build antibodies to show up in blood w a new infection.


So you have a couple options.


1. If you breakout aagain before 3-4 months post OB, then you need to go have it swabbed w in 48hrs.

2. The fastest way to know, is for him to go get tested and see if he comes up for HSV 2.

3. Wait the 3-4 months to retake the blood test.


From what you said, you have a positive HSV1 test already?


In that case, you likely have HSV1 orally already. It's *possible* that you have had it genitally for awhile and you just had your 1st ever OB, but the odds are higher for it being oral.


All you can do at this point is swab next time you have an OB - try Planned Parenthood. That or just take a stand and say you won't leave till they do the swab if you go to your Dr. I've learned that sometimes you just have to take a stand with Dr's... if they still refuse, well, it's time for a new Dr... :)

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