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I still feel confused. I have a lot to learn. A lot to experience living with this.


There's this guy I had sex with. The same one who I think infected me. He was one of the few phone calls I made to let them know about the issue and have themselves get tested. But he denied his name, he said I had the wrong number, and blocked me on FB. I remember feeling "off" after having sex with him. I remember texting him asking him when he had gotten tested and he avoided the question. I remember telling him a couple of days later after having sex that I had a fever ans an itchy lip but he asked me questions asking for details but brushing it off I the end....and now here I am months later trying to cope. I guess I just feel upset at the fact that here I was trying to be smart and use protection but that didn't stop me from getting infected. I had to face my previous partners with tears in my eyes and let them know that I was sorry if I infected them while he didn't even have the courage to tell me "I THINK I'm clean". No. He just acted childish and ran away from the question.


I'm having such a hard time dealing with my results. Like I usually get a sore inner lip with my braces and now I can't help but to think Im having an outbreak but. I'm at work....I wanna drop everything and go to the doctor but I can't so I have to wait it out. Two nights ago I had horrible body aches that resulted in a sore throat and I started crying in the middle of the night because I feared I had an outbreak. I fear finding someone and that sharing a simple kiss can infect them. I can't carry that burden with me. But at the moment I feel overwhelmed. I don't know what a sign of an outbreak is like so I don't know what to expect.



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Are you talking about genital H or just HSV1 that is in the mouth? If you are talking about Hsv1 in the mouth also known as the cold sore virus, you can relax! About 80% of the population has it in their mouth. Hsv1 is highly contangios and it's normally caught early on in life before you become sexually active or an adult. It is a lot more rare not to have it than to have it. Please relax and do your research on oral herpes so you can see for yourself that 80% of the population has it!

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