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GHSV1 and HSV 2

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Hi! I've met an amazing man, somebody I could see working out. I've got GHSV1 and he's been HSV2 positive for almost a decade. I know that shedding with HSV2 goes down significantly over the years, with medication and that time that's passed as well as the fact that I've got some antibodies chances are slim of either of us passing to another correct? It's def worth the risk I'm just curious as to what kind of risk I'm looking at, anybody who could help I'd appreciate it


@BrazilGuy - I have to believe there is some cross immunity given the relatively low proportion of HSV2+ people co-infected with HSV1, even though HSV1 is typically contracted in youth while HSV2 is typically contracted in teen and adult years. Unless some people are just more predisposed to contracting one or the other, I see no other way those numbers can make sense than there being some type of cross-immunity.


I see the statistic of 40% reduction is from a study called "Mertz, Annals of Internal Medicine,1992" (it is referenced here: http://www.herpes.com/hsv1-2.html) but I've also read that various studies have yielded conflicting results. Would be nice to have more consistent data.

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