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Ob and allergies

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I'm about a year in with HSV-2 and I started getting allergy shots a couple weeks ago. I was already having a little outbreak but it's been on going for over a month. I tried to look it up and see if the shots would cause an outbreak but i didn't find any info. Has anyone had shots and had outbreaks from it or is this just a coincidence?


Also, dancer how is ldn doing for you?

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I haven't heard anything about that but I did a quick google search "allergy shots and HSV2" and I saw a post made in 2011 (I think it was) that was asking the same question. So I'm guessing it's possible. The replies were a joke, the doctor that responded went totally off the subject.


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Of course jokes, Missouri. Thanks for googling.. Guess I'll be the experiment. I get the shots every week for a year... I really hope this isn't a trigger... Would make sense if it is though... Allergy shots are injecting your body with a low dose of your allergens and I'm assuming your body learning to fight them off slowly over time.... Which is kinda the same thing your body does with hsv 2... Learning to fight it off slowly over time.

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