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So, this has been a burning question in the back of my mind. And the clinic I went to did a poor job with answering questions. When I was tested for herpes because of a suspicious pimple on my mound full booty cheek and conveying about some rectal pain. The clinic said it was syphillis, but also tested it for herpes because it might be two different things. - they also thought it was latent syphillis

∑(゚Д゚)- the doctor was convinced all would clear up with the penicillin, but I was also given pills incase that didn't help because of it might being herpes related.( this was also strange because the information they gave me about syphillis if it was in latent stages you'd need more than just a bunch of dosage of penicillin shots to take care of it.)


Now, once I got the penicillin shot EVeRYTHing cleared right up. I mean even my spirit was lifted. But the nurse clarified that my result did come Back positive for herpes, but the syphillis test was actually negative and thought it was strange how things cleared up with the penicillin shot because there's no relation to it.


I'm curious on how... Well I know everyone's body is different. My body I know is quite good at fighting infections as I'd rarely get sick. At least once a year for 2 days. And when I had gotten an std years before this event I could feel something was going on because we have this alliance and speak to eachother.


I guess my question is how something for bacterial infections could affect something viral. Or maybe it's just how my body is because I know I'm strange.

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For one "Latent" syphilis means exactly that, no symptoms. No sores, etc. Why did they think it was that?


Penicillin is the drug of choice for treating syphilis.


The primary stage of syphilis does involve a chancre. This is a painless open sore. Looks pretty bad too. It's not just a booty pimple. It's pretty big, open, wet, and the fluid is highly contagious. The sore usually heals withing 2-3 weeks on it own. Usually within 2-24 weeks after that first chancre you get a rash (again highly contagious). This is secondary syphilis. Other symptoms at this stage are: large lymph nodes, fever, loss of weight, sore throat, headache, stiffness in the head and neck, and light sensitivity. Most people seek treatment at this stage because they feel ill. Now after this stage it can go latent for years/decades. And 1/3 untreated cases move into tertiary syphilis. (I won't go into details on that). It can get pretty bad though.


Anyway. If your symptoms cleared up after penicillin it could have been many things. Chlamydia and gonorrhea are both cured by penicillin if it was STD related. As can many other bacterial infections. Maybe you just had something bacterial going on that the shot took care of.


As far as your herpes diagnosis. Was it positive by a blood test or a swab?? IF it was a blood test then that doesn't mean you were having an outbreak at that moment, just that you're positive.

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It was a culture test. If it was my first outbreak... It was nothing like the Google pictures. And from what I've been reading can't completely trust those pictures because that isn't the case for everyone.


I had a dream once that I had an outbreak and it reached all across my back and body and I could feel it burn... Nightmare really. Lol.

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