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How did I get genital herpes? Can you get genital herpes if your partner has herpes of the eye?

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I've just had an outbreak of what my GP strongly suggests is genital herpes. Still waiting for the lab test results to confirm but my symptoms are textbook so I'm sure that this is what I have. Really confused though as to how I got this. I've been married for 19 years. Never had an outbreak before. Both my husband and I were virgins when we were married and have been faithful. Before I was married I'd only had three relationships in which there was only kissing. I have Asperger's too and am squeemish about cold sores so have never kissed anyone with cold sores. My husband has never had cold sores either. He does have herpes of the eye, although he hasn't had an outbreak of the eye since we've been married. He's never had lesions around his mouth area. Our sexual relationship does include oral sex. Can I get genital herpes from my husband if all he has is herpes of the eye? I'm baffled. How on earth did I get genital herpes?


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@earthwowan_4 I'm sorry you're going through this. Please know that if you do receive a positive result, this is the hardest part of this process and things will get better with time.


As for how you might have gotten it, one possibility is that your husband has HSV1 orally but has never had any symptoms. Perhaps he transferred it to his eye before he built up protective antibodies. That's just a wild guess. Anyway, most adults carry HSV1 orally and most never have symptoms. It is possible to contract HSV1 genitally from oral sex, even when no symptoms are present. The risk is small but not non-existent.


If you have contracted HSV1 on your genitals, it's possible this will be your only outbreak. Time will tell. I hope that is the case for you as it is for many people.



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