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On face

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Hi,I have HSV 2. I was wondering if it could some how spread to your face? Not lips, like chin or cheeks. I'm paranoid about everything lol. But I don't know if I have a rash on my chin or what. I keep my hands clean. Unless I made a mistake. It's red on my chin. Please help!

Thank you


@Mel2316 Dry skin on your chin could be due to so many different things, but I would first try drinking more water in case it's the Valtrex that's drying you out. I've seen many people comment that it's important to drink more water while taking Valtrex because it can be drying.


I usually drink a decent amount. But I'll drink more! I think I just didn't moisturize enough. But do you know if hsv 2 can in fact spread to the face?


I don't think you have anything to worry about. I've had Hvs2 for over 30 years and have never spread it to any other body part or any person for that matter


@katidid thank you! I found out it was just dry skin. But I got freaked out lol. Plus I was curious if that has happened to anyone anyways. But that's good you haven't spread to anyone else! I'm on a suppressive plus would never do it with an outbreak, so I hope when I get intimate again I never do either.

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