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A few questions :)

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Hello, I've had HSV 2 for nearly a year now. Pretty much felt like my dating life is over lmao. Anyway I have a few questions as my GP is very judgemental.


1: what's the deal with the everyday medication? My initial outbreak was so bad both doctors said it was the worst they had ever seen. No one offered it to me. But I've had 12 outbreaks since I got it in Jan so I really think I should be on it. If I have that many outbreaks will being on anything even help?


2: sucking and fucking - I've been friends with this guy for years and its started turning flirty. I want to do things with him but I'm scared. I'm too much off a wuss to even consider sex ever again but I'd love to blow him. Can he catch it from me if I give him a blow job? What about kissing, can it be caught that way? What about fingering and heavy petting? Chances of giving it to him through that?


3: my symptoms before an outbreak are very obvious - am I right in thinking if I'm not experiencing them that I'm not shedding and not likely to pass it on?


Thank you wise ones.


Hello @premiumbanana,


1. If a GP is all you have seen for this you need to go to an OB or other doctor that specializes in sexual health. From what you have described you should be on an antiviral, Valtrex, Acyclovir or Famvir. GP's have a tendency to be way behind the times where herpes is concerned. I always had very good results when I took Acyclovir. I think you would benefit too.


2. I am assuming you are having genital outbreaks. Have you been swabbed or had an IgG blood test? If not you need a blood test at the very least to see what type you have. Next outbreak get to Planned Parenthood or other sexual health clinic and get it swabbed. On the left side of the page is a link to download the ebook and handouts. Tons of info you need to know in them. Check out this link http://supporttruthanddialog.com/. It is a blog written by @WCSDancer2010. It is well worth your time to read, very educational. You can most definitely have sex again, Just be sure to educate yourself about herpes before you do.


3. An outbreak is shedding on steroids. Asymptomatic shedding can be a little trickier. Being on a suppressive dose of an antiviral can help cut down on the shedding. Stress is a major trigger for herpes. Certain foods can be a trigger for herpes also. You should be able to find out more about that at the link above.


Hope this helps. Educating yourself about herpes is the most important step you can take.


Yeah I've been through the sexual health clinic the first two times i had outbreaks. They did swabs/bloods etc. I have hsv 2. Im just busy atm and they open on days/times I can't make unfortunately which is why I have to see my GP.


I did heaps of reading when I first found out I had it. But conflicting info everywhere. So thought I'd just try a message board and get answers first hand.


I don't want to have sex again tbh. I'm one of these weird people that go years without sex lol. I just want to give this cute guy a blow job and not worry that somehow I can make him sick. Nothing is going anywhere near my hooha.


I'll just take a morning off work to go to the health clinic and get them to answer my questions I think.



Can he catch it from me if I give him a blow job? What about kissing, can it be caught that way? What about fingering and heavy petting? Chances of giving it to him through that


Yes, yes and yes. There is a small chance of giving it to your partner when you are not having an outbreak. Being on antivirals reduce that a little more. Look up the stats on this site.


Understand this though, Herpes is not a big deal. It really isn't.




I'm going to disagree with Dave and say your mouth is safe if you have a genital infection. You can kiss and give as much oral sex as you want- just make sure that they are safe too! Heavy petting should be fine. Fingering.. well- most whitlow is caused by HSV1, BUT, I have to say I would leave your genital area alone to be safe. (Especially if you are not disclosing).

I'm going to disagree with Dave and say your mouth is safe if you have a genital infection.
And I'll disagree with you, because the OP did not say where HSV2 was on her body. As we know, HSV2 is not just confined to the genital area.



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