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Broke up with my positive partner who I loved...

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Both me and my partner were positive. We loved eachother soooooooo much and I was devastated. I haven't been able to move on.

I find I get rejected 90% of the time (I'm a 33/F for ref) And, out of curiosity, and also because I wish him to come wander back to me one day, how easy is it for guys to disclose? I can't imagine he is having an easier time than I am...


My thought is that integrity can be a male or female characteristic in relation to disclosure. I do think males tend to find it harder to be emotionally vulnerable enough to disclose. I also think the stigma plays a huge role in people not wanting to disclose and consequentially transmitting a very manageable virus. If you want your honey back, talk to him. Be emotionally available and honest with him..... Good luck.

My thought is that integrity can be a male or female characteristic in relation to disclosure. I do think males tend to find it harder to be emotionally vulnerable enough to disclose. I also think the stigma plays a huge role in people not wanting to disclose and consequentially transmitting a very manageable virus. If you want your honey back, talk to him. Be emotionally available and honest with him..... Good luck.


He knows.... he says he's not interested anymore.


I agree with Sail. And if you aren't 100% into moving on, maybe that's the reason for the failed disclosures. Maybe it would be best to take some time for you.

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