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Not really new found out 4 years ago

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Found out 4 years ago i had hsv2, but i never had a OB. My doctor was just ending her practice so she just discussed it with me over the phone. She said the level were like 5.3 for hsv2. I explained to her that I never experience any signs or getting an OB. She explained that maybe it's laying dormant. She prescribed me valtrex and I never say her again bc she retired. In 2016, I found any other doctor and explained to her my diagnosis with HSV1 and 2. I explained I never got an OB FOR either one and her response was don't worry about it results can be deceiving which really confuses me. I have read plenty and how they describe herpes I have never experienced none of the symptoms. I have sciatic nerve problems so sometimes my legs and behind my tingle but nothing related to herpes. Could that have been a false positive?

Never had a oral hsv1 and never had a OB of HSV2! Confused.

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Call the doctor's office and request a copy of the lab work. If you had an IgG blood test with a value of 5 like you said, you're positive. Over 80% of those with HSV 2 don't have symptoms or they're so mild they're mistaken for something else. The tingling and nerve pain you describe could easily be related to HSV2. Only a third of those with oral HSV1 ever have a cold sore. What you describe is very normal! Also, sadly...it's common for doctor's to be poorly educated about herpes.

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So I could have tingling and nerve pain and not have an OB?

Am I contagious when I'm having symptoms without an OB?

And yes, I was very shocked that my new doctor basically told me that's just one of those things that can happen on blood work and told me don't worry about it. I even called back to question them and she just told me just take the meds if you feel a Symptom.

And thanks so much for responding HikingGirl

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Yes, you can definitely have tingling without an outbreak. You are possibly contagious at any time even without an outbreak.


As hiking girl said, if your number really was 5.3, you have it. If you'd like to get retested you can but with numbers that high it's pretty much settled. Try to get the output if you can.

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