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L-Lysine-- Does taking it actually help?

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So I just joined here after finding out I'm HVS2+. After the first visit to urgent care I was doing some research online and read about L- Lysine being helpful for herpes and preventing it from spreading to other people. I just wanted to know if anyone else here is taking it as an added supplement along with their Valtrex? Or maybe when the outbreak isn't happening? Anyway if anyone has an opinion or thoughts on it I'd love to hear it. Especially because my girlfriend as far as we know doesn't have herpes. But we're both taking it as a preventative measure. Side note: we both went in and asked for them to test us for all STIs including herpes. So we should get results avout that in a couple days.


Thanks I appreciate it a bunch if you read all of that!


I've been trying it for about 6-8 months now and have not noticed a difference, so when I run out in a few days I won't buy more. Early studies done in a lab were promising, but later studies in humans did not show a benefit (I'm paraphrasing from Terri Warren's book). If it seems to help someone with outbreaks, it can't hurt to take it. However, lysine does not reduce transmission, so it has no protective benefit for your partner. Only antivirals and condoms do that.


@aurorawriter I usually take it when I'm having an outbreak to minimize the duration of the outbreak. I also double up on my medicine, zinc, and vitamin C. Not sure how much L-Lysine helps because I'm take other supplements/medicine as well.

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