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Itching AFTER initial OB heals?


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I was just diagnosed. My initial OB was AWFUL but somehow I survived. All of my lesions have healed with the exception of one that is ALMOST gone. I’m on Valtrex, but this INTENSE, as in can’t function like a normal human being, walk around looking like a rapper grabbing my junk, itch is going to drive me INSANE! Tea tree oil doesn’t work, the only relief I’ve found is from the lidocaine cream the doc gave me at my initial appt. honestly tho, to be blunt, who wants to walk around with a numb vag. Any tips to relieve the itch? Snake oil? Laying of hands? An old priest and a young priest with holy water to excercise the demon itch out of my lady bits? HEEEEEELP


No. I’ll look and see if I can find some today. This itch is so intense it kept me up all night. Literally running on two hours of sleep today.


Ice helps. Not something you can do during the day time but it can help you sleep. The metaphysical causes of physical diseases is something that I try to look at and incorporate into my healing process. Genital herpes is metaphysically caused by sexual guilt and shame. Itching is a signal that your body wants to get something out. If that resonates with you, get Lise Bourbon’s book “Your Body is Telling You Love Yourself.” She has a green book with a similar cover I heard was good too. If nothing works physically, it’s more than a physical problem. You need to look deeper. Sorry you’re so uncomfortable. Hang in there.

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