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Technical question: Did I spread herpes to my son?

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I'm getting extremely freaked out here. I believe I contracted hsv both oral and genital. Now my son has blisters on his nose which spread to his forearm from rubbing his nose. The dr said chicken pox but that's just way too coincidental. In addition. A gentleman I kissed is now experiencing night twitching (my son and I are also experiencing the same thing) I thought it was easily transmitted? I'm dying a little more everday and no one can help me. IF my son and this gentleman contracted hsv2 from me does that mean eventually they'll get it genitally? This has got to be the weirdest case EVER. I feel like a monster and am thinking about legal ramifications for my giver as well. I'm an emotional wreck for my sons health and the gentleman I kissed. What does the future hold as far as outbreaks? And location? I certainly don't engage in sexual acitivities with my son. I don't even help him bathe and after the "h" fear have limited the hugs/kisses. We never reuse towels. My hands are dry from constantly washing. I just want to die and sue the bastard that did this. As a mother its hard to watch my baby's body jolt while sleeping. My whole world is upside down, I can't even work.

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Hi whiteshadowcgb,


You're not the only one to have these concerns. But it's actually quite hard to spread herpes to other parts of other people's bodies when you aren't having an active outbreak. If you want to ease your fears, have your child's nose swabbed and tested, but most likely from everything I've seen, it's probably not herpes. You are not a walking contagion. I promise. :)


Read this blog article for more information:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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To error on the safe side, let's just say this is "h" its summer. How can I get this gone and him off to.school? I'm really not buying into the chicken pox. I'm afraid to have him swabbed due to him only being 6 I really don't want to get social services involved plus the pediatricians around here aren't knowledgeable. I'm just fearful for other children at school. I'm pissed this is even an issue

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How would social services get involved? For example, babies get herpes all the time from grandparents and babysitters giving them kisses while they have a cold sore on their mouth. It sounds like getting a swab would be the best way to settle down your mind and heart instead of having it be big question marks in your head. Your own misplaced guilt seems to be beating yourself up when you don't deserve to beat yourself up. That guilt isn't helping anyone. It's clear to me that you love your son. Love toward him and yourself is 50x stronger than any guilt that you are holding onto for yourself. Let it go. Get the facts. Move on.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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