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4 months in and still confused - constant burning?

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Hi everyone,


This is my first post. I am at a loss for information at this point. It seems like no matter how much research I do I can still not figure this out.


I was given the news about 4 months ago after a one night stand. I’ve only had one outbreak so far but I keep having pain, like a burning sensation, off and on. Mostly on. I stopped taking my antiviral after reading all the negative side effects and am trying to use my diet as my antiviral now. The burning has actually been better since the diet change, but still has not gone away.


Does anyone else experience this? I am at a loss of what to do. I just want to move on with my life and feel healthy again!


Hmm, those symptoms are odd for herpes. Do you have GHSV-1 or GHSV-2 and how did you catch herpes (oral, anal, or vaginal/penile)? I ask because often times herpes is not the only bug that hops along for the ride. It is human nature to often forget that several things can happen at once and individuals at times attribute all of there symptoms to herpes, when in fact they are co-infected.




That sounds a lot like the symptoms I've been experiencing. I'm still in my first year, too. I've had a full panel of STD tests and gyno exam with pap.


There is almost always some part of the skin around my genitals that is red and tender to the touch. I don't get sores often but when I do they are gone within a day or so. They never open up. I also get headaches, or rather one really long chronic headache. I posted in this forum about it a few weeks back and had a comment from someone who experienced headaches in her first year as well. And antivirals aren't doing much to help. I've tried the episodic and suppressive dosing at different times. No change.


I think the virus is just making itself at home in my nervous system and this will continue until my immune system has developed sufficient antibodies. It treats everyone differently. For me, it's been mild but chronic.


In the meantime, I've found that coconut oil helps ease the burning and diluted tea tree oil helps with the redness and itching. You can mix the two oils but I'e found them more effective on their own for me. Apply directly to the affected area with a cotton square. To dilute the tea tree oil, I wet the cotton and then apply a couple drops. It's strong so you don't need much.


@lostandconfused99 I just get my grocery store's brand - Organic, unrefined, expeller pressed virgin coconut oil. It comes as a solid but the melting point is low enough that your body heat will turn it liquid.

Hmm, those symptoms are odd for herpes. Do you have GHSV-1 or GHSV-2 and how did you catch herpes (oral, anal, or vaginal/penile)? I ask because often times herpes is not the only bug that hops along for the ride. It is human nature to often forget that several things can happen at once and individuals at times attribute all of there symptoms to herpes, when in fact they are co-infected.



Hi Jack101,


I have HSV-1, gentital. Like most, I can’t be 100% when/how I got it. All I know is that it popped up about 5 days after having a one night stand, unprotected. He did perform oral on me, and in my theory, I think had HSV-1 oral. I came up with this because the breakout was predominantly on my clitoris. (Little white dots) I recall that night he was super focus on that area and even at one point made me jump because it sort of hurt, whatever he was doing. Therefore my theory is that my skin had broken open at that time and therefore allowing the virus in extremely easy. But, this is all a theory and the thurth is I’ll never really know. Which as someone who loves having a solid answer to everything, is really tough for me. Also I have been back to the gyno another time since and no traces of anything else “along for the ride” as you mentioned. I thought that could be the case as well.


Thanks for the feedback so far everyone else. It’s nice to know I’m not the only one with these symptoms. I also use tea tree! It definitely helps! I’ve also noticed this diet change has helped a bit. I’m waiting for my period this month to actually see if the diet is improving my state. I seem to have the burning way more when it’s my time of the month. Which to my understanding is common.@SPATX919, do you notice any change during your period time?


@livinglight I have not noticed any change during or around my period. It can be a trigger for some women, it's just not one of mine.


I forgot to mention I recently noticed an improvement when I started taking a daily probiotic to strengthen my immune system. It's not gone completely. I still feel a little something just about every day, but not all day every day anymore.


Living Light, I would not disregard the possibility of confection, your symptoms of herpes are not classic. You should not have constant burning. That would indicate you have lesions all the time with no healing with is not hsv1, unless you are immunosuppressed. Your telling me you had oral, even further makes me believe you are coinfected. I am not sure how your gyn ruled out an infection. Let me guess, they did a urine culture and a standard std panel. As there is no standard std panel, what specifically was looked for. Unfortunately, that is not good enough. The main problem is your gyn is looking for a std or standard uti. Not normal flora of the mouth. Over half the bacteria in the mouth cannot be grown by culture. Have you taken any antibiotics since your diagnosis?




  • 2 months later...

@livinglight and @SPATX919 - Starting this past November I started to experience symptoms similar to what you describe. I know I have HSV1 orally, but now a thinking perhaps I also have it down there. I often get a raw spot near my clitoris and am experiencing the itch, tingle and burning almost constantly daily to some degree. I just started suppressive Valtrex yesterday- going to start with 500mg a day to see if that warrants some relief. I have also experienced some headaches too - not sure if thats the virus or the meds?! How are you two fairing in the new year?

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