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Transmition rates of getting hsv1 if I already have hsv2?

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Haven't posted in awhile but I do like to read the forums whenever I get the chance. I have HSV2G and have probably had it for quite awhile, (10+ years). I have recently decided to get back into the dating game and put my profile up on several different sites. For me I have always found that it was just easier if I put my condition in my profile and have it out there right up front as I'm not ashamed about it so why hide it. Believe it or not I have not had it be an issue at all and have even had many men tell me they admire me for it as it shows integrity. Someone I have been talking to but not yet met in person I believe has hsv1 as he has had cold sores for a good portion of his life but has never been diagnosed. He said he was tested after his divorce and that the panel did include hsv but it came back negative although I don't know what kind of test they preformed. I'm assuming his test was probably incorrect if he's been having cold sores.


What I'm can't seem to remember or find on this site is what the transmission rates were if you already had hsv2g what are the chances of getting hsv1 either orally or genitally and vice versa? Does having an established condition give you any immunity to the other version of hsv? It's really a non issue for me if we hit it off but is more of a curiosity. I know that hsv2 really doesn't like the oral region where hsv1 can live happily in both regions. Would I still be at risk for getting hsv1 if he preforms oral on me?




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