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Is it or isnt it a herpes outbreak?

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So Ive had herpes for 8 months and have only had one break out. I thought i was lucky enough to only get it once and never again, but ughh....i think I am having another breakout. Well obviously I don't know my break outs well enough since I've only ever had one. Im not really sure if it's an outbreak or not, but anyways my first clue was it was just painful when I went to wipe. It's pretty red and irritated looking, but no bumps. Is there always bumps or sometimes is there not? I noticed 3 days ago and started taking my meds for it, but still no bumps. My first outbreak was pretty severe and awful, but i know the following one's aren't as bad as the first. is this an outbreak? sorry for the graphic descriptions.

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Hi kitcattat,


well you dont get with every outbreak the bumps, sometimes its only red ,itchy and burn a bit.You started to take your medication and that why you probably will not get any bumps at all :) . Well at least you are a bit luckier then the most of us, 1 outbreak every 8 month shows that you have a really good immune system and your body fight the virus in a good way.I know its always annoying to get an outbreak but it will be over in couple of days.Hope you are better soon

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