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Herpes treatment | Herpes Life

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Herpes treatment | Herpes LifeHerpes treatment | Herpes Life


I’ve had herpes for four years now. I take daily suppressive medication (Acyclovir) and that helps to keep outbreaks at bay. Early on, I didn’t have health insurance. I had to find more holistic remedies that didn’t cost me $50 per month. Below are the top herpes treatments that I’ve found and that work for me. There are plenty of others that you can find online, but I can’t speak to their efficacy.

  • 5 months later...

Followed a suggestion in another forum and tried compresses with half and half hydrogen peroxide/water to be REALLY helpful. The poster said to apply HP for two minutes. It bubbles as it oxidizes microorganisms and it hurts sometimes to touch the pad or cloth to the most sensitive areas, but afterward the pain is greatly reduced and I can get on with my life until the next visit to the bathroom. I am worried about secondary infection and the HP helps reduce that possibility too.


Nice! Thanks for sharing, Pika!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • 2 months later...

Being recently diagnosed, I was desperate and purchased a book purporting to give me a "cure for the disease. It involved ingesting diluted doses of oral hydrogen peroxide, increasing the strength for a month and then following up with a "maintenance" of a lesser dosage for another month. The claims were great but it seems very extreme and dangerous to me, so I haven't tried it. Anyone out there have knowledge of this treatment?


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