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Chances my partner is still clean?

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Hey everyone, me again. It’s been a rough few days. Now I spoke to the guy I’ve been seeing - he hasn’t gotten a call about his test results, so now he thinks he’s clean. They would have called him if the test was positive. He called for the results and was told that the doctor was out until after the holiday. All he needs to do is log in online and view the test for himself but he refuses. I have so much trouble believing he didn’t either give it to me or contract it from me. A few reasons why:


1. We’ve been having unprotected sex almost daily for the past 6 months. I had a couple of flings before him, but the last time I was with anyone else was in may. I started showing what I believe were symptoms around August, when I thought I was getting yeast infections. It started about a month into our relationship, when we had been having unprotected sex very frequently.

2. We had been having unprotected sex in between these “yeast infections” including times I was feeling a little itchy but thought it was nothing. If he didn’t have it before then, I would have been highly contagious at that point.

3. My full blown OB came a few weeks ago, with all signs of a primary outbreak - 102+ fever, headaches, very swollen glands - and my understanding is those happen soon after exposure (I’m guessing this started with the “yeast infections” and grew slowly over the past few months). If it’s been dormant in your system, your first OB is recurring, which wouldn’t include those symptoms.

4. My igg test came out off the charts low, <0.2 range for both. I couldn’t have had this longer than 6 months if that’s the case.

5. Upon inspection for his swab test they did find a bump.


I have yet to speak to my doctor about my diagnosis, so I’m hoping to get some answers when I see him next week. But I’m so worried that my boyfriend may ignore this test completely. It may even be negative if his bump wasn’t a full blown OB, but he could still have it. Yes, he would probably leave me and that would suck, but I do hope he is clean for his sake. But what are the chances? Can someone please provide me with some insight?


Thank you so much for all of your help. This has been such a tough time, as I’m sure you all know too well.

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Hi @MakingIT2017,


He just had a swab test. I had a negative igg and a positive swab test, but I had a painful blister at the swab test. He only had one or two bumps for his, I don’t know if that’s enough for a positive result if he does have it. I have a feeling he contracted it recently, too so the igg would probably be negative for him. This is our second go-around, we dated for a little over a year until 12/2016 with no issues, then started again in late June or early July of this year, when all of this came up. So he ether just got it too, or it’s been very dormant for a while.


If this test comes out negative, there’s no way I’ll convince him to get tested again. There’s actually very little chance I’ll even talk to him after this whole ordeal if he’s negative...

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